Shop Washable Dog Diapers
What's the difference between a diaper and a wrap?
Great question! Diapers can be used on female and male dogs, but wraps should only be used on male dogs. Diapers provide more coverage, while wraps just cover a male dog's genital area.
What's the best way to clean my washable dog diaper?
Wash your dog's diapers like you would any other piece of soiled clothing. Remove any excess feces first, and then treat the diaper with a stain and odor remover like Simple Solution Oxy Charged Stain and Odor Remover. Then place the diaper in a mesh or net washing machine bag. follow the washing instructions on the label. And always make sure you have a clean spare ready to go!
How do I fit my dog for a diaper?
Do dog diapers really work?
The answer is YES. Read reviews on any of our product pages to hear from real life customers.