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What is the Simple Solution plant-based cleaner made of?
The Simple Solution Plant-based Stain and Odor is made from naturally derived ingredients from plants. These ingredients are all traceable back to nature, but still provide great cleaning power.
What's the best way to clean stains with Simple Solution products?
Is Simple Solution safe to use around children and pets?
Out of an abundance of caution, we always suggest removing pets and children from a room where any solutions are being used. This significantly reduces the chance of accidental contact or inhalation.
Can I use Simple Solution cleaning products in my carpet cleaning machine?
Yes, some products can be used in carpet cleaning machines. Please read the back of each product's label to see if your Simple Solution choice is compatible with carpet cleaning machines. And you can always call us at 800-690-9908 for more information.
If I'm not satisfied with my purchase, can I get my money back?
: Not Satisfied? Let us know! We are committed to providing high quality products to help pet parents and their companions live happier, healthier lives together. If you are not satisfied with this product, please keep the package or container and remaining portion of the product and contact our team directly at (website contact us page link). Learn more about our Satisfaction Guarantee at companapetbrands.com/satisfaction-guarantee